제 5차 장학생 Kim Sharon 감사편지

희망재단 2024.03.13 12:18 조회 수 : 71

Good evening,

Hope you are having a blessed day! 
My name is Sharon Kim, and I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for selecting me as the recipient of the 21 Hope Foundation Scholarship.
Receiving this scholarship is truly an honor. I am so thankful for the entire scholarship committee for taking the time and effort to look through my application. The committee's commitment to empowering students who are actively serving their community to pursue their educational goals is truly commendable. I am so thankful that the committee has seen potential in me, enabling me to pursue my education goals with reduced financial burden. Not only has this scholarship provided me with the necessary financial assistance, but it also serves as a validation of my hardwork and dreams. 
The 21 Hope Foundation Scholarship inspires me to dream bigger and give it my all so that I can make a positive impact on society. I plan to employ the resources offered by this scholarship to expand my horizons, embark on new territory, and actively serve my community. Please convey my deepest gratitude to the committee and generous individuals that have made this scholarship possible through their kind donations. I will deeply cherish this invaluable gift and commit to utilizing my skills and passions to make a difference in this world. 
Once again, thank you so much for this amazing scholarship! I'm so thankful to have been given the chance to apply to the 21 Hope Foundation Scholarship as the values that the Committee upholds are incredibly inspiring and empowering. My family and I are beyond grateful for this scholarship and I'll be sure to tell my advisor to send these documents to the provided email as soon as possible. Thank you again for investing in my future and for this life-changing scholarship.
I promise to make the most of this opportunity. I am forever grateful for the opportunities that this scholarship provides, and I hope one day I'll also be able to support future students and give back to my community. Thank you for believing in me and giving me the confidence to relentlessly chase my dreams.
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day.
Warm regards,
Sharon Kim 
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